Photo Blankets

Personalised photo blankets from £7.49 hand made for you within 1 day. Vivid colours and high-quality print guaranteed for 10 years. Create your personalised blankets with pictures from lap to large blanket sizes. Pay after receiving. Next day delivery.

Customise Completely

Not only can you customise the photos, you can also choose backing colours, sizes, orientations and much more. Print guaranteed for 10 years.

Beautifully Handmade

Everything is lovingly handmade in our London facility, from the printed fabric to the finished hemming, often within a day.

Create Collages

Go further than a single shot. Use our montage tool to create beautiful bespoke collages using multiple images.

Special Offers

Almost every one of our fantastic products have special offers. From 3 for 2 to buy more save more, take advantage of our money saving options.


A selection of personalised bedding professionally printed with your own designs.

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Put Your Face On It

Create home furnishings or great gifts with a face on it.

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photo blankets

High Quality Custom Photo Blanket Printing

For more than 20 years we've been printing your photos onto high-quality blankets and soft furnishings. With such extensive experience, we can make your personalised photo blanket within a day and guarantee a brilliant print quality for 10 years.

All of our personalised photo blankets, duvet covers, printed bed sheets, quilts and personalised pillowcases are lovingly handmade to order from the best materials. This is all done on-site in our multi-cultural, West London studio. From the printing to the cutting to size to the finishing stitching, we do everything ourselves with no outsourcing.

Our personalised blanket printing process is completely sustainable with innovation and ethical practices at the centre of our UK manufacturing. We ensure your personalised photo blankets are not only handcrafted by UK experts, but also made from ethical, premium quality materials. That way, your personalised photo blanket is as unique and special as the memories you print onto it.

This means that we can guarantee quality, as everything is checked before shipping, and that we can get your beautiful treasured memories printed and sent out to you all in a matter of days. We use high-quality, HD printing methods to ensure bright colours and long-lasting printing so that your prints last a lifetime.